The first: We have had a large number of new students at both Jr. High Wednesday Youth Groups (which we call Search and Rescue). A good number of these students are male and unchurched, but they have demonstrated that they are hungry for relationship and God's Word. Last night several of them came and talked to me about some of the choices that they have been making lately, mostly smoking a lot of weed. I had a total of 8 boys (most of whom had just met me) share this information with me and then proceed to discuss how this was a bad choice, wondered what the Bible had to say about it and then how they wanted to be a part of our group. That is wild stuff!
The second: I met a fantastic Youth Worker here in Longmont this morning. She is a quarter time youth worker who has an absolutely AMAZING story of God's love and redemption and how she ended up working with the students at her church. I was so inspired by hearing her story that I had to share my excitement with her. Hearing her story reminds me of how God is good and he loves us no matter what! It also reminds me why I love to network with other Youth Workers and get to hear their stories. We are truly better together.
Filled with joy, peace and the Holy Spirit, we continue to live out the ministry that we have been given here in Colorado.