Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Sobering Reality


Yesterday I took a trip. My best friend was in town and we needed to see the sights of San Diego and do some research for an upcoming wedding and possible seminary education. We ate good hamburgers (you know, the kind that you still remember 6 hours later because they sit like a brick in your belly) and drank a lot of coffee (well he drank a lot of coffee, I tend to get the shakes if I drink too much).

The most memorable element of my adventures yesterday though was the visit to seminary. The reason it was so important is the wake up call that is was to me. Here I am, 23, working in my career profession, getting married, living on my own, basically doing all of the "growing up" things that I was told would happen after college. I am sure that it is slightly premature because I am still 8 units away from "after college", but when life hits, you carpe diem. And those 8 units play a part in why I came to a sobering realization yesterday at the seminary.

I am not ready to go back to school. I don't even really like school to begin with, and seeing a classroom again sent chills up my spine. Those were chills because I knew at some point I was going to have to go back...but my visit had been premature. I have a lot on my plate right now (refer to the "growing up" section) and I just need to focus on those things.

So what about you pastors and grad students out there? What was your story about going back to school. Were you ever "ready" to go back? What is some conventional wisdom you can send to the youngin'?


  1. O no Wes that really stinks. Going back to school for just eight units. I would hate that. I hope it goes by super fast and is incredibly easy.
    I feel your pain on the whole not liking school thing.

  2. Yeah, well it is a necessary evil. I am trying to take online classes to finish out my BA, that way I won't have to go into a class or apply somewhere all over again...we will see what happens!
